Goodbye to Microsoft Exchange 2003…

Microsoft Exchange 2003 has now reached the end of it’s extended support window and if you are still running this software you need to be thinking about migrating to a new email client. And it’s not just Microsoft Exchange but also Outlook, Exchange Server and Windows XP! With no support you are vulnerable to data loss through a lack of security updates. Stay with Microsoft Exchange 2003 and you will have no more patches, no more bug fixes and nothing whatsoever from Microsoft! You risk running the gauntlet of data recovery.

It has been over a decade now since Microsoft Exchange 2003 was launched and the office environment has changed immeasurably. But don’t despair because there are lots of upgrade options. Upgrading Exchange 2003 involves more than just upgrading licenses and software. This is because there are fundamental differences with Exchange 2010 and 2013. These differences mean that you may have to upgrade the network topology and make datacentre security investments, as well as equipment upgrades to servers. What’s more, if you are using Lync or SharePoint there may be further investments.

However you can avoid much of the on-premises upgrade by moving to the Cloud. Cloud based Exchange has the advantage of eliminating downtime and keeping costs low. In essence the Cloud offers a reliable, secure and integrated environment for Microsoft Exchange.

Hosted Exchange providers offer the benefits of an on-premise solution, but saving all the time, effort and upfront cost. As the provider owns and maintains all equipment, you do not have these equipment costs. Similarly they make sure the latest patches and updates are applied to the infrastructure in order to keep your Exchange platform secure and efficient. And if you are moving to the Cloud, some providers will handle the migration process for nothing. Compliance and reliability will lighten the load for your IT department which means your staff have more time to work on critical projects! For more information drop us an email and we can point you in the right direction!