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New tools for recovering data from SSDs

Data Recovery Specialists have developed unique, proprietary capabilities, significantly improving the quality of recovery from solid state drives (SSDs). Many users assumed that because an SSD has no mechanical parts it is at less risk to fail. Whatever the statistics, it’s clear that solid state drives can and do fail. Recovering data relies on proprietary tools, that are not commercially available.

Data recovery from new types of data storage can be extremely time-consuming because of the need to research the algorithms used to originally store the data. Previously, recovery from SSDs, if possible at all, took significantly longer than from other storage devices. One of the complexities of data recovery from solid state media is due to wear leveling. Wear leveling is a technique that balances usage evenly across all disk sectors to ensure the maximum functional life of the media, since SSDs generally have a finite number of read/writes before they become unstable.

However, in the event of a media failure, wear leveling makes it extremely time consuming to piece the data back together. Another factor that complicates the recovery of data from SSDs is that the individual memory chips on any given device usually work in a RAID-like configuration, which makes data even less contiguous and harder to piece together in the event of failing device malfunction or data corruption.

Moreover, there are no standardized configurations across different manufacturers, meaning that the new SSD recovery capabilities need to be able to handle different forms of Error Checking & Control (ECC) and Correct Address Translation via Logical Block. Data Recovery Specialists together with partners, have developed new tools and capabilities to deal with the wide range of complexities that SSD technology represent. This has ensured much greater success rates, together with faster response times.