FTP options for recovered data

In an effort to improve our service we are installing a 100Mb point to point, fibre data connection that offers a connection speed of 100Mbit/s. What does this mean for our clients? Well we will soon be able to offer super-fast FTP data transfer. No more waiting around for couriers to deliver your recovered data.

Why do we need all this bandwidth? Quite simply our laboratory is recovering up to twenty hard disk drives every day and we are storing a phenomenal amount of data on our client’s behalf. Typically, we retain data for 7 days until the client has received their data back and is happy with the quality of the data recovery. When our new leased line is installed, we will be able to FTP data back to the client the moment it is recovered, saving valuable data storage and p[precious time.

Our secure transmission FTP or File Transfer Protocol, will be encrypted for data security. The client will receive a normal username and password for gaining access. Aran Pitter, Commercial Director at Data Recovery Specialists says “This is going to be particularly useful where time is of the essence. About 20% of our data recovery work is escalated to our emergency service and often the weak link in the chain is the return of data, especially where the client is some distance from our laboratory. We are hoping that the leased line will be completed in the next few months, after which we will beta test the system with a selection of clients, before rolling this out to everybody”